Synonyms of BLAZE
The words blaze, flash and glare share the meaning
a bright light".
eg : the
blaze of the sun at noon
flash of lightning
glare of the headlights
Synonyms of COINCIDE
The words coincide, agree and correspond share the
meaning "
to be the same or similar".
eg : Our tastes in art
The stories of the witness don't
Their opinions
correspond with mine
Synonyms of CONFUSION
The words confusion, chaos and jumble share the
meaning "
a mixed up condition".
eg : the
confusion caused by the alarm
a locker room in
chaos after a big win
papers in a
jumble in the drawer
Synonyms of FIRM
The words firm, hard and solid share the same meaning
"not easy to crush, bend or cut".
eg : a firm mattress
as hard as a rock
solid muscle
The words insignificant, petty and trivial share the
meaning "small and unimportant".
eg : an insignificant matter
a petty grudge
a trivial remark